About InstaAirRepair

No matter who you are or what you do, having your heating or air conditioning system break down is never a pleasant experience. Oftentimes, you have no choice but to endure unbearable temperatures while waiting hours or even days for a repairman to show up.

This is where InstaAirRepair shines. InstaAirRepair has the connections to quickly get you the service you need.

Our Mission

InstaAirRepair’s mission is to take the stress out of getting you back to your comfortable life as quickly as possible.

It is why we are turning the booking service paradigm upside down by guaranteeing immediate service. It is why we are choosing only the best HVAC repair companies to partner with. It is why we are using a simple app that allows you to easily make and track your service requests. Whether you have children to carpool or a business meeting to attend, InstaAirRepair has you covered.

The Story of InstaAirRepair

Personal experiences frequently inspire us to come up with better ways of doing things. The story of InstaAirRepair is no exception.

One scorching Sunday afternoon, our air conditioner stopped cooling. Our usual HVAC company, to which we were paying a premium membership fee could not send someone over was until Tuesday. Overheated, distressed, and unsure about our availability during the work week, we called five other HVAC companies before finding one that could send someone over to take a look that same afternoon.

Our hopes were dashed when we realized the technician from the unfamiliar company was not skilled enough to fix the problem. Ultimately, we had to wait until Tuesday for our usual company to perform the repair.

We knew there had to be a better way,  The result is InstaAirRepair.